
Margaret leads a successful and orderly life, perfectly balancing the demands of her busy career and single parenthood to her fiercely independent daughter Abbie. But that careful balance is upended when she encounters an unwelcome shadow from her past.

  • Released: 2022-03-31
  • Runtime: 103 minutes
  • Genre: Drama, Horror, Thrillers
  • Stars: Rebecca Hall, Tim Roth, Grace Kaufman, Michael Esper, Angela Wong Carbone, Winsome Brown, Josh Drennen, Rosemary Howard, Jaime Zevallos, Patrick Klein
  • Director: Andrew Semans
  • contactjasonkohl - 11 February 2024
    Exquisite performances, satisfying cinema
    Resurrection (2022) Review by Jason M. Kohl 2/11/24

    When Margaret, a single mother in the prime of her career starts seeing someone from her past that she recognizes, fight or flight kicks in as she starts running - figuratively and literally - from her demons that once possessed her twenty-two years ago.

    As her daughter gets ready to flock the nest for college, Margaret seems to become more disillusioned with her past, and slowly starts reliving her trauma -- and as it starts hurting her job, family life, and social commitments, we start to learn why this trauma is so deeply intertwined with the hatred and guilt installed inside of Margaret's mind.

    Hulu Originals seem to still be finding their identity, especially in the thriller/horror genre. But I must admit, this film is mysterious, the acting facilitated by Hall immaculate, with a Black Mirror-esque theme keeping you engaged throughout.
  • Chi-C-Dawg - 3 July 2023
    Deeply disturbing
    This is definitely a Slow burn but when the truth comes out I was flabbergasted. A totally bizarre and horrific concept. I don't know if I would call this a horror movie but it sure is deeply disturbing. At times the plot made me a little uncomfortable but also Rebecca Hall gives an incredible performance.

    Some people might complain that the movie is a little too slow, or gives you too little, but I found the subdued, simple nature to help enhance how messed up the actual relationship between Hall and Roth is. And the end of the day, this is more a psychological thriller than horror but the power of Hall's performance makes it worth the time.
  • rachaelkoestercst - 12 January 2023
    I watch movies all the time. I'm in my late 40s, work full time, and raising a teenage son. I don't go out much and during my time off I watch movies. I have never written a review before today. I made an account to warn everyone Don't WASTE YOUR TIME. I'm shook that I watched this horrendous waste of a movie and made dinner late because I wanted to chill after work and watch a good film. The plot is confusing, there's some weird intern that makes literally zero sense in this movie, and the ending is trash. Literal garbage.

    *******SPOILERS********* This movie is a woman who was psychologically abused 22+ years ago. She got pregnant by the abuser. Her abuser cooked and ate their baby and the woman left him. She went out a lot after moving from the abuser and got pregnant shortly after. She raised a daughter and became some big executive. She has some intern that talks to her a lot. She gives said intern advice. The abuser guy resurfaces after 22 years and she loses her mind. Daughter gets upset that her mom is whacked and moves out. Mom keeps feeding into the abuser and he convinces her he's carrying their dead baby - in his belly. I'm assuming it's because he ate their baby. Then there's the The end (worst ending EVER)- she meets him in a hotel room and cuts the baby out. Then it shows her in some glowing white room holding the baby and her daughter thanks her for saving everyone. The end. TERRIBLE TERRIBLE TERRRRRRIBLE.
  • domialenic - 19 December 2022
    It would have been kind not to watch this movie out
    I make it a point of reading the comments before, and boy was I disappointed. Yes, some comments where spot on while others have given this movie glowing reviews. This movie was captivating and the acting was really good. One can only guess as to what had happened to the lead character 22 years ago . It all collapses though when nearing the end. There was no revelation of any sort. Certainly not one that would make sense . Maybe I missed out on something, but reading some of the comments here I don't seem to be alone with this. I suppose one can fabricate their own version of events, but I found it very disappointing that the actors talent was wasted on some pretencious psycho construct.
  • potatovining - 19 November 2022
    Terrible, horrible
    Don't waste any brain power trying to figure out the impossible, insane actions in this movie..

    This movie is beyond fantastical. Even given creative license it totally sucks.

    I love psychologic thrillers but this one does it an injustice. The entire movie is based on an impossible event and builds itself on not just the impossible but sees its audience as a bunch of no brain idiots that will swallow this whole. Too unreal to even be laughable.

    How the actors could do this movie is a mystery and why they would want to do it must be the money.

    Don't waste your time watching this poor excuse for a movie. You would have a better time pulling out your toenails.
  • arungeorge13 - 16 September 2022
    A layered take on the lasting effects of trauma! [+69%]
    Resurrection is a bit all over the place in its tone & pacing, but it's sufficiently tense, having multiple interpretations to offer, and underlined by an outstanding Rebecca Hall performance. Andrew Semans layered scripting & direction coupled with Hall's nerve-wracking performance constitute the soul of the movie. Where it slightly falters is in its sudden and not-so-smooth transition from what seems like a typical stalker-thriller into something much deeper and psychologically affecting. This is primarily because the film doesn't ask you to suspend disbelief in its first act, and then all of a sudden, it does. But the more I pondered over the whole thing, the knots began untangling themselves.

    Margaret (Hall) has seemingly had a very troubling past, detailed over a stunning, single-take monologue that hits you out of the blue. But before even this happens, we sense her trigger. She "sees" her former abuser at a conference and her mind goes down a rabbithole. For 21 years, Margaret has somehow managed to subdue her traumas, having found solace in her teenage daughter, and the occasional fling with her married co-worker Peter. The return of David Moore (Tim Roth) becomes too much for her to handle. Her demeanor changes (reflected in how she acts overprotective of her daughter and the indifference shown to the friendly intern), and some of those ugly memories keep resurfacing in the form of nightmares.

    We can interpret the entirety of the final act in multiple ways. The perspective that made most sense to me, is perceiving David as a long-gone traumatic imprint that revists Margaret from time to time. The hints were in the first act itself - the tooth that Abbie shows her mum; later, we see David missing a tooth when he smiles. David successfully manipulates Margaret into doing difficult tasks (which he calls "kindnesses") even when he's not around or watching. He is, apparently, also a key factor in Abbie's "accident". Is he an omnipotent presence? The question remains.

    Yes, of course, it's all happening inside Margaret's head. Her PTSD is forcing her to manifest these episodes, slowly blurring the lines between real and imagined. She only seeks sex from the co-worker and nothing more, probably due to her past relationship with David. She only feels in control when she's advising her intern to get out of a bad relationship, but the rest of the time, David (who's probably still stuck in a corner of her mind) is "controlling" her. The final glowy, dream-like sequence is indeed her mind trying its best to supress the trauma, even for a little while. The anti-climactic gasp at the end only reinstates that!
  • susymank - 21 August 2022
    I watched this because of Rebecca Hall, but I'm getting bored of the same unhinged, mentally unstable character that she keeps portraying. I've seen it once and I don't want to see it again. This ranks the worst of all her unhinged movies. The movies take on abusive men (enough already) and trauma didn't make any sense and wasn't even believable (able to manipulate and brainwash someone 22 years later?.....yeah right!). I kept waiting for the plot to develop but nope. My time was horribly wasted.....I feel traumatized!