
Paul Atreides, a brilliant and gifted young man born into a great destiny beyond his understanding, must travel to the most dangerous planet in the universe to ensure the future of his family and his people. As malevolent forces explode into conflict over the planet's exclusive supply of the most precious resource in existence-a commodity capable of unlocking humanity's greatest potential-only those who can conquer their fear will survive.

  • Released: 2021-09-15
  • Runtime: 155 minutes
  • Genre: Action, Adventure, Drama
  • Stars: Timothée Chalamet, Rebecca Ferguson, Oscar Isaac, Zendaya, Jason Momoa, Stellan Skarsgård, Stephen McKinley Henderson, Josh Brolin, Javier Bardem, Sharon Duncan-Brewster, Chang Chen, Dave Bautista, David Dastmalchian, Charlotte Rampling, Babs Olusanmokun, Benjamin Clémentine, Golda Rosheuvel, Souad Faress, Roger Yuan, Oliver Ryan, Stephen Collins, Charlie Rawes, Elmi Rashid Elmi, Gloria Obianyo, Paul Bullion, Balázs Megyeri, Peter Sztojanov Jr., Björn Freiberg, Ferenc Iván Szabó, István Áldott, Richard Carter, Seun Shote, Neil Bell, Benjamin Dilloway, Tachia Newall, István Áldott, Fehinti Balogun, Dora Kápolnai-Schvab, Joelle, Jimmy Walker, Milena Sidorova, János Timkó, Jean Gilpin, Marianne Faithfull, Ellen Dubin, Joelle
  • Director: Denis Villeneuve
  • behnamboogi - 24 June 2024
    From moving the time of several important events to removing some parts and assigning the role of one character to another. In the movie Dune by Denis Villeneuve, you can find several differences from the book Dune; Purposeful changes that were not applied to ignore the source, but for the purpose of showing its true values. Was Granny Hulk able to become a sensitive and hard-working character as much as the version in Herbert's book, with whom the audience has a strange connection? No. Because Villeneuve introduces him in seconds; Not long paragraphs. On the other hand, does Herbert's book benefit from Hans Zimmer's breath-taking and strange music or Greg Fraser's nail-biting frames from the desert? No. Debt Arakis Desert planet.
  • Floated2 - 12 June 2024
    Visually stunningly moving but a slow burn
    Having relatively no knowledge of the source material and not being familiar with the 1984 version. As a standalone this film, 2021's Dune obviously stands out with its stunning visuals, scenery, characters attires and overall look and feel of the film. As directed with Blade 2049 where the visuals are great but people complained the story was lacking and its pace was rather slow.

    For Dune, as great as the cast is, and with many well known talented actors involved the story is ultimately confusing and things move at a slow pace. At times it feels repetitive with the characters wandering into oblivion looking for others. Perhaps this film is best suited for those truly interested in the source material where others simply aren't as interested. Assumingely so perhaps a second viewing with chest attention to detail is further required.
  • Chandru2206J - 30 May 2024
    This movie felt more like a 2 1/2-hour prologue than the first part of the story.
    The movie is set in a fictional world where a drug called "The Spice" is essential for interstellar travel and is the subject of battles between empires. The people on the spice planet hope for a Messiah to lead them to a better future.

    The movie covers the story of House Atreides taking control of the spice production from House Harkonnen, and the main character, Paul Atreides, is expected to be the Messiah. However, House Harkonnen retaliates to regain control of the spice production. Paul loses his father and mentors, and he flees with his mother to the Fremen, the native people of the planet where the spice is harvested. Despite all this, it feels like the story hasn't progressed enough to consider this film as Part One of the whole story.

    The movie was slow-paced, but I didn't get bored while watching. The desert scenes were captured amazingly, and the composition and color tones were well done. The background score by Hans Zimmer was great.

    The climax is when the story starts to get interesting, but then the movie ends. I'm really interested in the Dune series, and I'm looking forward to watching the sequels. I hope the story progresses further in the sequels. I watched this movie in 2021 and decided to rewatch it before seeing Dune: Part II.

    I don't know much about the novel, so these are just my thoughts on the movie.
  • MrDsr - 6 January 2023
    As someone who loves sci-fi Dune was a film I was really looking forward to seeing, I wanted to like it and I certainly have no agenda against it but I have to say I was massively disappointed. It's dull, I can't think of a better word to describe it. The story, such as it is, is plodding and uninteresting, there's no character development at all.. by the end of the film I didn't care about any of them, I just wanted it to end. I liked Chalamet in The King but maybe that was just a better film and suited his aristocratic demeanour, in this he's just bland. The visuals are supposed to be stunning, they just aren't, the desert landscape is subdued and uninspiring.. there's only so much sand you can see before you've seen it all. The buildings are uniform grey slabs of stone, the interiors dingy and depressing. The whole film reminded me of a pretentious Star Wars episode crossed with a B list Marvel superhero film, long meaningful staring into the distance and slow motion action shots don't mean a film has depth.. this has no depth. Hans Zimmer's soundtrack is instantly forgettable, I literally can't remember it, which is a feat in itself as it intrudes clumsily into almost every scene, it's the desert.. is there no silence? And the dialogue, for the millionth time when will actors stop mumbling and whispering, it isn't gritty and realistic, nobody speaks like that in real life. Chalamet whispers almost all of his dialogue under his breath.. speak up we can't hear it. But the worst culprit by far is the Jessica Atreides character, much of what she says is delivered in a mumbled whisper and is completely unintelligible, it's annoying to listen to. The ridiculous hype and praise that this film has got from critics is laughable, a pure case of Emperor's new clothes. I've rated this film 1 star to redress the balance a bit, if I was to rate it fairly I'd give it 4 or 5 absolute tops. This is what happens I suppose when filmgoers get used to watching too many comic books on screen.
  • pcornejoz - 28 December 2022
    Veeeery long, very boring
    Great visual effects and acting.

    Incredible casting!

    Besides that, this is a 3 hour long film with some action sequences. It is sooooo long that at some point you kind of lose track of what is the main plot.

    As as friend once told me, this is the kind of movie you need to see with a big coffee mug in orden to not fall asleep.

    Honestly, I saw it because of the hype around its promotion, however, don't figure how this was Oscar Award material.

    By far there are better films that could have been awarded over this one. Even worse, there is a second part coming.

    Anyway, if you want to give it a try, be my guest.
  • blahblah-67725 - 20 December 2022
    The work of photography is simply stunning, and the ambience very well made.

    After watching a bunch of videos explaining the world in more details, I realized also that the author made quick references to the book, without having to go in long details. However I think in some cases, it would have helped a bit to explain how this world works (Mentats for example, the fact that there are no robots, how space travel works, etc).

    I am very excited to see the next movie, and my only complaint is that is was too short.

    Additionally, I did not had the time to see it in theaters, and I'm very sad for it.
  • aysekupelii - 2 December 2022
    Amazing CGI, amazing sound, amazing set but thats all. Characters are made so shallow.

    Jessica is crying with fear in every aisle she found??? What is this nonsense??? She is the one of the most powerfull woman character ever written!

    Paul is another nonsense. Why is he acting like a child and screaming and yelling with tantrums? He must be calm, confident, strong. But all i see is a boy giving hugs and yells to every situatuon.

    Also Paul should looks like spitting image of his father. I didn't see any similarities between Oscar and Timothee :D Yes they are both great actors. Yes their performance are amazing. But there are another gifted and talented actors who looks like Timothee or Oscar. This father-son cast is another nonsense.

    Also I'm sure that i wasn't able to understand anything from the movie if i didn't read the books.
  • SnowCrash-1138 - 16 November 2022
    Villeneuve's Abridged "Dune 1: Impressions of Dune" Cut
    So heavily edited (cut to pieces) that it is in many ways like a potentially delicious meal which contains no salt nor any other seasonings, and which has had 1/3 of the dishes removed before you can taste them. Visually stunning, yes, at least the peeks & glimpses we do get of the actually much deeper, more complex and nuanced story that is there to be told (shown).

    A number of important characters are (at least so far) left out entirely, others are there but remain unnamed, and still others that play a much deeper role in the original story are are passed over as nearly inconsequential, pushed aside as if an afterthought.

    In an age when people spend a day, or a whole weekend binge-watching complete series non-stop there is little reason to assume viewers would balk at a longer film that does the rich tapestry of the original book(s) full justice & helps the viewer to understand "Hey, there's actually a lot more going on here, and a lot of tantalizing questions hinted at that I definitely want to find the answers to!" Instead so much is cut away that the uninitiated won't even know that those tantalizing questions are there to be answered further along in the story, whether by way of film(s) or just reading the books. Not to mention how much More visually stunning and visually rich the film would be if all the wonderful little details that flesh out the larger story and season it (as well as raise some deliciously tantalizing questions) were not cut away to satisfy "the flow" Villeneuve and/or the studio/producers think they want, or to satisfy some preconceived notions of "film formula" time constraints.

    It's still a good film, watch it if you haven't, but it leaves a terrible lot to be desired for those that know the story well, and feels like those that don't know the story well are being short-changed and having their intelligence insulted. It feels rushed.

    I'd also point out that the style of English dialogue used in many cases (and perhaps just overall) does not fit the epic style or atmospherics of the story. These characters and groups are people steeped in tradition and formality, an ancient noble family, and cultures many thousands of years older than any culture has ever lasted in our own known history. That is for the most part lost in this rendition in regards some of the more casual stylings of the English dialogue. It's as if a bit of Disney Channel crept in with phrases like "Good to go!" and "Are you good?" among other bits that don't seem to quite fit the type of story "trying" to be told here. I'd like to give it more stars but just can't. It should have been better in a number of ways. Longer, meatier, richer...More of the epic, complex tale that this story really is. Consider this film the Villeneuve, Dune 1: "Impressions of Dune" abridged version.
  • darapjohnson - 23 October 2022
    Perfect adaption
    Wow, absolutely amazing. First part so far has lived up to the expectations to the book. Great acting, memorable characters and intriguing villains. I'm looking very forward to part 2, hopefully it wont let us down.

    Me personally, I haven't ever read the book, but from what i've heard from people around, it did a fantasical job of adapting the book. Timothee Chalamet is doing a brilliant job as our main character and the supporting actors are brilliantly cast as well. We should definitely be looking out for Denis Villeneuve if he can make perfect adaptions like this. Looking forward to his future projects.