Sonic the Hedgehog 2

Sonic the Hedgehog 2

After settling in Green Hills, Sonic is eager to prove he has what it takes to be a true hero. His test comes when Dr. Robotnik returns, this time with a new partner, Knuckles, in search for an emerald that has the power to destroy civilizations. Sonic teams up with his own sidekick, Tails, and together they embark on a globe-trotting journey to find the emerald before it falls into the wrong hands.

  • Released: 2022-03-30
  • Runtime: 122 minutes
  • Genre: Comedy, Family
  • Stars: Ben Schwartz, Jim Carrey, Idris Elba, Colleen O'Shaughnessey, James Marsden, Tika Sumpter, Lee Majdoub, Adam Pally, Natasha Rothwell, Melody Nosipho Niemann, Shemar Moore, Tom Butler, Elfina Luk, Malik Bentalha, Claire Chust, Melody Nosipho Niemann, Donna Jay Fulks, Sarah Surh, Brad Kalilimoku, Krista Alvarez, Scott Patey, Leif Havdale, Johnson Phan, Colby Chartrand, Kevin Fortin, Jeff Sanca, Sook Hexamer, Maria Ameerali, Kyle Riefsnyder, Parker Rowell-Laferriere, Tammy Nera, Gerald Paetz, Corry Glass, David Jacox, Mike Mitchell, Heath Stevenson, Doug Chapman, Rhys Williams, Nilo Ghajar, Don Lew, Elizabeth Bowen, Vladimir Ruzich, Shay Kuebler, Keiran Bohay, Kevin Mylrea, Jared Khalifa, Aiden Cass, Andrew Kyrzyk, Stanislav Galimkhanov, Alex Bogomolov, Shaun Magee, Shawn Stewart, Barry Nerling, Simon Chin, Vladimir Raiman, Yvetta Fisher, Adrian Hein, Jess Lundgren, Steven Chang, Ted Barba, Brennan Dyson, Saida Dyson, Katie Wright Pere, Ha'a Keaulana, Quinn Early, Cheryl Lewis, Angela Meryl, Ashlei Tave, Mariah Dyson, Tavita Woodard, Ernie Jackson, Rob 'Sluggo' Boyce, Robert Zen Humpage, Fraser Corbett, Marcus Aurelio, Jason Triplett, Eli Olson, Mike Rufino, Nito Larioza, Chad Keaulana, Paul Lazenby, Peter Brown, Nicholas Dohy, Leighton Hara, Joel Hyrland, Zac Vran, Russell Lee, Anna Tenney, Preston Blaine Arsement, Nate Vale, Connor Rooke, Baden Warmsely, Doug Chapman
  • Director: Jeff Fowler
  • alexanderelwood - 21 May 2024
    A very fun sequel
    Sonic the Hedgehog 2 is a massive improvement over its predecessor, particularly in terms of ambition. The stakes are higher, the action sequences are grander, and even the humor feels considerably upped. As entertaining as he was in the original, Jim Carrey is given more freedom to flex his comedic muscles here, turning in a riotous performance that, in my opinion, ranks as one of his vintage characters. Ben Schwartz is endearing as ever in the titular role, and accompanied by some wonderful new additions. The connection between Sonic and Tails, voiced by the original Colleen O'Shaughnessey, is handled very nicely and leads to a couple surprisingly heart-tugging moments. Idris Elba also does a terrific job as Knuckles, and while there are similarities to Thor and Drax from the MCU, his take on the character really does shine regardless. Does everything work? Not really. The wedding subplot, though aided by Natasha Rothwell's frenzied reactions, is easily the weakest part of the movie. James Marsden and Tika Sumpter are the only actors who feel inferiorly utilized compared to the first film, with most of their dialogue used for spelling out nothing but saintly wisdom (although Tom punching the groom got a big laugh out of me). The plot itself is a bit unfocused at times, and I can't pretend like every single joke lands. However, with all that said, I still had a great time with this film. I'm not even much of a gamer, and I was completely won over by its zany comedy, creative action, and adventurous storytelling. Sonic the Hedgehog 2 may not be spotless, but it largely succeeds where it counts, and delivers an immensely fun viewing experience for its target audience.
  • Mysterygeneration - 8 February 2024
    Surpasses its predecessor in many aspects.
    Fans and newbies alike will enjoy this fast-paced, entertaining adventure set in the Sonic universe. It has amazing special effects, thrilling action sequences, and hilarious performances from all of the actors, most notably Jim Carrey as the evil Robotnik. The movie also honors the original games, including Easter eggs and allusions that will thrill die-hard fans. A delightful and enjoyable family movie, Sonic the Hedgehog 2 surpasses its predecessor in many aspects.

    To sum up, Sonic the Hedgehog 2 is a passable and entertaining follow-up that enhances certain elements of its predecessor while still lacking in other areas. Fans of the blue hedgehog will like this lighthearted and enjoyable family movie, but it might not have a lasting impact on a wider audience. It's not a particularly terrific film in and of itself, but it's a good example of a video game adaptation done well.
  • christophercarmeloroman - 24 November 2023
    I find that as I get older I just go into things with nothing. No expectations. No knowledge of what things are about. And honestly I find myself happier in the outcome.

    This movie like the first movie are just gems. As a Millenial who grew up with the OG games and have played through many of them since, this movie is just a love letter.

    Sure the human aspect is weird and not really necessary, but Jim Carrey is perfect for this role and carries the movie as much as the titular game characters. I just found myself smiling and cheering and just in general happy with this film. Can't wait for the next one.
  • Froggo-25389 - 29 November 2022
    The Hedgehog, The Fox, and the Kucklehead
    Man, heading that there was gonna be a Sonic 2 with Tails in it was cool enough. But when I saw the trailers and saw KNUCKLES?! I could not believe that one of my favorite Sonic characters was gonna be in this movie. I thought it was just Tails!

    This movie is one of the first pieces of Sonic media that I've seen get Knuckles so...RIGHT. He's not dumb, alright? He's just...out of touch. Out of his element. He's not DUMB for trusting Eggman, he's NAIVE. He falls into the trap of thinking that he CAN'T be tricked...and those people are always the people that get tricked the easiest. It was kinda sad to see him realize that Eggman was tricking him this whole time, and it was even sadder when I realized that he'd not only considered Eggman a partner...he'd considered him a FRIEND.

    Jokes were good, other characters were good, yada yada--OH WAIT IS THAT SHADOW?!

    Good movie. I can't wait until 2024 for the third one to come out.
  • arthur_tafero - 12 October 2022
    Cartoon + Video Game = 3 stars - Sonic Hedgehog 2
    There is about as much need for this cartoon to have a sequel in a theater as there is for a new strain of Covid. It belongs on the Cartoon channel along with all the other cartoons posing as movies. It has the added distraction of also being a mindless video game, so the producers of the film can share the profits with the creators of the video game. Good for them; enjoy the money. But please do not suggest this production is anything more than a marketing and sales promo, because that is precisely what it is. Now you get to spend $20 of your hard-earned money taking your kid to a theater to see something you can easily see on a cartoon channel for much less. I am reviewing this cartoon only because I have free passes and a young son who is not a moron. He thought the film was boring, and I have to agree.
  • isaacochoterena - 16 September 2022
    Ambitious but conventional
    This second part is more ambitious than the first, but still doesn't leave the formula of family films.

    This is a story that we have already seen many times, but the idea is more ambitious by involving more characters and more subplots, and that is what fails in this film, the first one is also very predictable and conventional, but it was more simple, that did not involve complex characters and situations, contrary to what happens in this film, where the formula ruins any new idea. The characters do not have a growth, as well as their relationships between them are very simple and are very similar to those in the first part, the story has many conveniences, unnecessary subplots and uninteresting characters, although it did not bore me at all, it has parts quite entertaining, but the ending is very predictable. The special effects look good and realistic, the humor is still very childish, I hardly laughed throughout the movie, but the Natasha Rothwell scenes were hilarious, even though they don't have much impact on the plot.

    The children's movie formula completely ruins any potential idea of the plot, although it entertains almost all of the time, it fails to stand out or surpass the previous one, it only does so in the special effects.