
Exclusive access into the career and life of the public servant who has advised seven U.S. presidents beginning with the AIDS pandemic in the 1980s and through SARS, Ebola and COVID-19.

  • Released: 2021-09-10
  • Runtime: 104 minutes
  • Genre: Documentaries
  • Stars: Anthony Fauci, Christine Grady
  • Director: Janet Tobias, John Hoffman
  • bluetmax - 3 September 2022
    Go Watch The Grass Grow...
    ... because it's far more entertaining, and at the least has nothing to gain. This was a complete waste of time, and if indeed it is true that, "hindsight is 20/20", I look forward to the sequel that reveals the outright lies and double standards. History will not look kindly upon Fauci, his cronies, or the last few years of the government's highest paid employee in office. However, one cannot doubt that behind a pile of millions there will be the smiling mug of Dr. Fauci. I cannot help but wonder how many of those who reviewed this film actually watched it, and read opposing viewpoints. It's unfortunate that the time I spent watching this cannot be regained.
  • sai-pawankumar8 - 30 October 2021
    Don't understand the negative comments
    I don't understand the negative comments of people. There are comments saying we shouldn't celebrate him when he's still in midst of a fight, that the story is one sided, that hails him as a hero, and that he was really not all that great during HIV epidemic. What's more, people are saying that the positive comments are bots.

    Well, here's my perspective on this. This documentary is supposed to hail him as a hero, a hero next generations can look up to. Also the aim of the documentary is to motivate people to have a more scientific approach to problems of virus, and to come together in the fight rather than be divided.

    You have to think to yourself, what could this 80 year old man possibly gain from being hailed as a hero. Does he aspire to have more money and fame? We can argue at several levels about Fauci as a person, but we all know he is not after fame or money.

    The documentary concludes by remembering all the people that couldn't be saved.

    This documentary is the most perfect I've seen.
  • denisbetsi - 12 October 2021
    Well Timed, Well Executed
    Professionally done, camera work is very good. Sound did a great job at capturing the audio well. Technically speaking, this is a well done documentary.

    Unfortunately due to extremely low public opinion of Dr. Fauci, this was an opportunity to acknowledge the many misteps, add some humility.

    Instead it wreaks of desperate attempt to re-paint him as a Hero with integrity, who does his best for the people, who plays no politics.

    Very sad, they had a real opportunity @ hand, instead it comes off as a desperate anti-smear PR stunt.

    Side note: National Geographic Fauci set, arrives with box of sweets, popcorn and other junk food. Who's silly idea was that? Are they not aware of the deadly mess diabetes, obesity mixed with respiratory virus cause? Seriously? Whoever did that, should be fired immediately.