Ticket to Paradise

Ticket to Paradise

A divorced couple teams up and travels to Bali to stop their daughter from making the same mistake they think they made 25 years ago.

  • Released:
  • Runtime: 120 minutes
  • Genre: Comedy, Romance
  • Stars: Kaitlyn Dever, Maxime Bouttier, Billie Lourd, Lucas Bravo
  • Director: Ol Parker
  • arneseeburger - 20 May 2024
    No Effort
    ...to convince me, that anyone believes that there is a story to tell. It is just: hey look, this is Julia Roberts and George Clooney-isn't that enough. Not it is not - 1 star. Nobody even tried to convince me that there is more to the movie that his little fun fact. Just a really bad movie that tries to be part of a reproduction-of-stereotypes-should-be-enough-because-people-are-dumb-anyway-story-success... it is embarrassing.enough that I found myself watching it, but it makes the point: I didn't expect anything and was still insulted by the dumbness of the storyline and the not-caring of the producers...
  • graceclark-58642 - 19 December 2023
    George Clooney and Julia Roberts Made the Movie
    Title says it all. The rapport and the chemistry of George Clooney and Julia Roberts is so natural that you don't even think they're acting. Even when they're fighting, and supposed to be a bitter divorce couple, they are the most refreshing duo in the entire movie.

    The movie should have been entirely about them, not their stupid daughter. Because the rekindling of their romance was believable, and touching.

    But this movie fails and it falls flat because it has two problems; Kaytlin Deaver and Maxime Bouttier. These two young co-stars that are supposed to be the adult daughter and her husband to be have absolutely NOTHING chemistry-wise between them. They meet in a matter of a month we are supposed to believe that they are madly in love? And ready to get married?? Complete and utter BS! They don't even act like they really love each other, every awkward silence and every Forced kiss is glaringly obvious to the audience. Hollywood is supposed to make things believable, this was not believable even for a moment. They don't even try!

    Kaytlin Deaver does not connect with the starkly different island culture, the environment, or Geme's family. Indonesia is nothing like the tropical Paradise that is shown, Bali is quite a bit poorer than what the movie depicts it. Anyway Deaver is the definite clueless, spoiled American whose looks belong in a teenage chick flick. And no real American who has just spent all their money in college to be a lawyer would throw it all away to go live in a dirty, poor country like Bali. With a seaweed farmer. That's a joke. No foreign Island family would encourage him to marry her! In fact you're left thinking throughout the entire movie that she's making a colossal mistake marrying into this family.

    I guarantee you in 5 or 10 years time this couple would be in a awkward divorce and this daughter would come shuffling back and tell her parents that they were right and she was sorry to ignore their warnings.

    I hate to devalue the movie based on the performance of the daughter, but when she is the driving force of the plot to stop her from getting married and inadvertently reconciles the separated parents, the writers and directors should have tried a little harder with her romance! Maybe picked a different actress! Or maybe replace Maxime Bouttier. He wasn't all that great either.

    George Clooney and Julia Roberts made the movie bearable, but I would not pay any money to see it again. And I have no desire to see it again.
  • writereva-52672 - 28 August 2023
    Summation= Extremely Enjoyable & Entertaining Film all around!
    Idk about all these bad egativelow reviews & I find myself questioning EVERYTHING! Like are they not paying attention or maybe just a little odd? Or maybe I just have EXTREMELY different tastes than others.

    But regardless, I think you should COMPLETELY ignore the bad reviews & see for yourself wyour own eyes! I know most bad ratings are saying it's bc there's nothing new or diff brought into the movie to make it stand out at all & that it's predictable. But films & plays have been around a while, which means that there's not too much new ground to cover. So, YEAH it's likely we're gonna always see things similar to the others we've seen. Plus, there's ONLY so many scenarios that u can do for a RomCom. Like who falls in love & when. As well as if they end up together or don't.

    Seriously, it doesn't have to have tons of deeper meaning & all hidden imagery. Its supposed to be entertaining. & I for 1 found it HIGHLY entertaining! I LOVE LOVE Julia Roberts & George Clooney & thought their on screen chemistry was pretty steamy! & I LOVED the ending! I didn't find it too cheesy at all! & I have EVERY intention to watch again!
  • alie-hunter - 5 January 2023
    The rom-com that could have been
    While flying home from London I watched 5 movies; "Father of the Bride" (2022), "10 Things I Hate About You", "Notting Hill", "The Holiday", and "Oceans 11". When I heard about this film I was hoping that it was going to be a return to that great era of rom-coms. It had all the right ingredients to be that type of film, but it never got off the ground. I wasn't expecting anything groundbreaking, rom-coms generally aren't, but I kept expecting that big moment and it never came. The one character who kept me chuckling was Lily's friend, Wren. I would be way more disappointed if I had to pay for it, but since it's free on Peacock I won't gripe about that.
  • RaeGal-44611 - 29 December 2022
    That old feeling anyone??? Bette middler and Dennis Farina did it better! Even the daughter was a better actress and that's saying a lot!

    This movie Missed the mark this time. It Would have been a little better to have Richard Gere play dad in this story...how great to follow yp After runaway bride and Pretty woman; but even that would not save this.

    Julia Roberts is my favorite actress of all time and this just disappointed me . It all felt forced from the party and drinking to missed opportunities with Billie Lourde having small parts.

    You have all this talent together and I only laughed when the French pilot with great eyes was involved.....
  • pompano - 19 December 2022
    wow. took us 20y back in time. for no good reason.
    What a disillusioning example of failed (self prcolaimed) comedy. Announced as a modern rom com it just appears as a long long bali commercial (yes, it does belong to the islands w/ the extramarital sex ban). Story, characters, dialogues: even 20 years ago it would not have been enough to make a good movie with that script in that category, 2022 it just feels embarrassing 1. To know that someone raised that much money to produce such a movie and 2. Moreover to know that two solid veterans in film business lend their names for such a tragedy. Not worth to watch at all unless you want to see another flat rom com in tradition of the ones from the turn of the millenium - only with less comedic ambition.
  • amwilburn-60131 - 14 December 2022
    Standard predictable fare that works
    This film is about a divorced couple forced to join forces to foil their daughter's unanticipated wedding. Constant zingers punctuate the hilarious banter between Clooney & Roberts; it works despite how silly it is.

    This rom com offers no twists nor surprises, but sometimes it's ok to give the audience exactly what they wanted. Billie Lourde also shines as the neurotic maid of honour 8.0/10, B-

    The Mrs & I both enjoyed this a lot more than we thought we would.

    YMMV: you'll enjoy this more if you're in a carefree, silly mood, which we were when we watched this. However if you're looking for a steak, I'm afraid this is more of a corn dog. But a pretty decent one.
  • mfooteob - 10 December 2022
    Cheesy, predictable, but funny at times
    And (not even spoiler) if IVY(?) league trained law school grad daughter married a Bali-seaweed farmer signed by Whole Foods, I'm sure there's a corporate advocate need that the Trojan horse parents could have seen off the boat and worked in an opportunity for their daughter to be happy and practice. ... Of course, her law specialty was never said, because 24yr old hot women are often picked up to head top law firms in major cities. Whatever. Cute. I'd recommend to my 68yo mom you loves Clooney. The movie became so predictable that it was almost embarrassing for the writers at the end, but it was the "hollywood" ending.
  • Pumpkin-643-73375 - 27 November 2022
    Roberts and Clooney Have the Chemistry But were Cheated with Bad Writing
    There is no denying the chemistry between these two, but even that can fizzle when handed a script with poorly written jokes. Two talented, great looking, charismatic actors were cheated out of the opportunity to shine because of the writing. The bickering between the two in the beginning of the film was exhausting, the best friend of the daughter was meant to bring the comic relief, but honestly never made one funny statement (No fault of her own again, I'm sure). Finally, midway through, when memories lead to sparks between the couple again, the film finally came to life. Who wrote Notting Hill? Now, there's an example of great wring. They both deserve a better film written by someone who understands great romantic comedy.
  • crumpytv - 17 November 2022
    Lame Anti-Rom/Com
    Very predictable from the outset.

    The standard Rom/Com side of it had the twist of two sourly bickering main characters (Julia Roberts and George Clooney) who have been divorced from each other for years.

    The bickering became really irritating.

    I found the relationship between Georgia and Rob unconvincing. Too much of an age gap.

    It all looked good with stunning Bali locations, but there wasn't much else.

    Synopsis: Ticket to Paradise is a 2022 romantic comedy film starring George Clooney and Julia Roberts as a divorced couple who team up to sabotage the impending wedding of their daughter in Bali.