Me Time

With his family away, a devoted stay-at-home dad enjoys his first me time in years by joining his hard-partying old friend on a wild birthday adventure.

  • Released:
  • Runtime: 120 minutes
  • Genre: Comedy
  • Stars: Kevin Hart, Mark Wahlberg, Regina Hall, Tahj Mowry, Jimmy O. Yang, Carlo Rota, Luis Gerardo Méndez, Melanie Minichino, Deborah S. Craig, Thomas Ochoa, Sandra Rosko, Ilia Isorelýs Paulino, Chau Long, Kieran Roberts, Bottara Angele, Alexis Rhee, Phillip Brandon, Sharon Gardner, Michelle DeShon, Sean Patrick Bryan, Allison Bills, Nick Taylor, Vitta Quinn, Antione Grant, Kayden Alexander Koshelev, Che Tafari, Bonnie Mercado, Connie Chen, Brad Lee Wind, Shyaam Karra, Noah Staggs, Carlos Javier Rivera, Prisca Kim, Paul Riley Fox, Amentii Sledge, Diane Delano, Kamilah Michelle Hatcher, Jai Carter, Kavya Thakrar, Andrew Santino, Naomi Ekperigin, Drew Droege, Manika Beverly, Oren Skoog, Cathy Chang, Taani Fuahala, Koji Niiya, Octavio Solorio, Jameelah, Sydney Skidmore, John Amos, Anna Maria Horsford, Craig Hosking, Ben Schneider, Shira Gross, Seal, Jean-Philippe Kaya, James Chan, Morgan Grier, Mila Sussman, Charlene Hoover, Amanda Barlow
  • Director: John Hamburg
  • frankyelemusica - 28 December 2023
    Me Time Review Sonny (Kevin Hart) is a stay-at-home parent who makes healthy smoothies, runs PTA meetings and curates school talent shows, but never makes time for himself; until old friend Huck (Mark Wahlberg) gives him an opportunity for independence.

    By Jake Cunningham Published On01 09 2022 Release Date: 26 Aug 2022

    Original Title: Me Time

    In one early scene in Me Time, Kevin Hart's irritatingly instructive Sonny tells his child to stop watching videos of stand-ups and do their keyboard practice instead. "Enough with the comedy," he says - a line of advice which this very unfunny film seems to have unfortunately taken to heart.

    Hart's Sonny is a very passionate parent, often to a fault. Whilst his wife Maya (an underutilised Regina Hall) works as a successful architect, Sonny cooks the meals, carries the bags and helps build the Lego sets at home. Although loving, he's also a bit of a dictator, controlling as much of his children's schooling as possible, and even spying on them in their bedrooms to make sure they're studying. As helicopter parents go, he's a shoo-in for squadron leader. Enter old friend Huck Dembo (a Mark Wahlberg name that might top his Transformers moniker Cade Yeager), the macho man-child who can show Sonny the errors of his domestic ways, with a week of debauchery.

    The film avoids, for the most part, any real probing of the untrusting, power-hungry, unstable dynamics of Sonny's marriage.

    HuckChella, a birthday celebration that's more Fyre Festival than Coachella, starts the mayhem. The party is soon crashed by a violent loan shark, diverting the story towards a generic plot-thread about debt collection. The focus then shifts to the frenzied jealousy of Maya's employer; then to a house party with a bizarre cameo from Seal - and throughout, an alarming amount of supposedly funny animal abuse. The film avoids, for the most part, any real probing of the untrusting, power-hungry, unstable dynamics of Sonny's marriage; instead, spiralling chaos fills the void of any emotional journey.

    One highlight is Ilia Isorelys Paulino, whose intense, anarchic Uber driver steers the film into most of its laughs. But bar those chuckles (as well as one well-placed gag after a performance of Leonard Cohen's 'Hallelujah'), Me Time will make you want to clock out.

    Me Time takes an interesting family dynamic and hides it under crass jokes and hackneyed stunts.

    People Mark Wahlberg Kevin Hart Regina.
  • longcooljolie - 19 January 2023
    Netflix, I want my 1.5 hours back!
    The title of the review is a bit of the misnomer because "Me Time" was something playing on the background during breakfast and morning chores.

    Still, it managed to catch my attention but not in a good way. Where to begin? The movie does begin with a BASE jumping scene that shows some good effects and photography. It's established that Huck (Walberg) and Sonny (Hart) like to celebrate birthdays in a big way.

    After that, the movie veers into "so bad it's interesting" territory. What is so funny about a man getting caught masturbating by his wife and preschool daughter, or a tortoise getting almost run over by an SUV, or a grown man taking a dump on someone's bed?

    Yes, you read that right. Kevin Hart ends up taking a small dump on his perceived rival's bed, and it's an unwitting metaphor for this movie. There is also a scene with the least imposing loan shark in history coming to collect his due.

    In fact, a documentary about the making of this movie may have been way more fun, when both Hart and Walberg continually say "You want us to do what?" and then the shennanigans that ensue when the directors and producers try to cajole them. Walberg is capable of great performances, but Kevin Hart is still riding the loud little black man schtick and it's getting annoying.

    The movie does contain some interesting casting choices such as John Amos for the father-in-law role. It's good to know he's doing well. Also, Seal shows up in a nifty party scene. Neither of them rescue this movie from the thought that probably goes through more than one mind while watching it; someone actually gets paid to write this trash?
  • punch87 - 10 November 2022
    A lot of talent wasted on a rude and crude script. You expect more but you get less.
    Kevin Hart and Mark Wahlberg make for a better pairing than Hart and Harrelson, as seen in the previous Netflix dud, The Man From Toronto. That's faint praise, however, as Me Time is a bad film. Playing on an R-rating that affords this Jon Hamburg comedy the chance to go big and broad, it wastes nearly every opportunity to build any great set pieces based around these buddies getting into wacky shenanigans.

    Not helping are the character choices. Hart playing the overworked stay-at-home dad feels like a sketch premise, but it's dragged the full 90 minutes, so we can watch everything go out of control in various ways that never feel connected. Meanwhile, this is my least favorite version of Wahlberg - self-confident and too cool for it all. The fact that he's named "Huck Dembo" is about the only clever thing about him.

    Even when looking past the characters, why must there always be some sort of ridiculous crime boss plot inserted into these kinds of movies? The idea of creating a race against time through the threat of physical violence is such an odd touch to these modern comedies. It's only made worse by having perfectly acceptable, alternate plotlines involving Hart's wife, played by Regina Hall, let alone the ridiculous circumstance involving the giant turtle featured on the film's poster.

    Regardless of my gripes, I'm sure this will be another highly watched film according to Netflix's invisible metrics. I can only hope that allows Hart to make better choices for whatever ridiculous high concept is being cooked up for him next.
  • firefairy-21122 - 13 October 2022
    "ME TIME" that I will never get back!!
    This was a two hour movie of nothing funny. It was a lackluster story with predictable antics. We predicted every scene before it happened. This was two hours of my "me time" that I will never get back. Don't waste your time. I like Kevin Hart and Mark Wahlberg but there was no chemistry, connection or even a spark in this movie. Not to mention, this Hollywood train wreck made sure to check off all modern agendas but couldn't put any effort into the actual story. It was a complete waste of time and just made me feel tired! If you want to take a nap or need help falling asleep at night, turn this on.