Raymond & Ray

Half brothers Raymond and Ray reunite when their estranged father dies—and discover that his final wish was for them to dig his grave. Together, they process who they’ve become as men, both because of their father and in spite of him.

  • Released: 2022-10-14
  • Runtime: 106 minutes
  • Genre: Comedy, Drama
  • Stars: Ewan McGregor, Ethan Hawke, Maribel Verdú, Sophie Okonedo, Vondie Curtis-Hall, Todd Louiso, Tom Bower, Maxim Swinton, Chris Silcox, Chris Grabher, Oscar Núñez, Angie Campbell, Gina Jun, Laura Linda Bradley, Aaron Angus, Angela Deiss, Jim Meisner Jr., Mike Bailey, Lamont Gonzalez-Sierra, Lyeneal Griffin, Marisol Correa
  • Director: Rodrigo García
  • kcitraro - 19 June 2023
    Great for mindless rainy day movie
    So I've binged just about everything series wise. I'm into thriller mystery, so I decided on this movie for my lazy Sunday afternoon for some change. Admittedly, it's not as much of a comedy as I thought it would be. I'd describe it more as "lighthearted " and has a couple funny moments. Overall, it's a pleasant movie that definitely starts off slow. There's nothing in it that stands out except great acting. It's entertaining "enough". Didn't turn it off. So I guess I'd suggest to give it a try for a good 30 minutes and decide for yourself. If you are looking for a laugh out loud comedy gem, then don't even try. Find something else.
  • Jxfiles - 5 November 2022
    Lost Opportunity
    An interesting premise that far outlives itself, Raymond & Ray, is the tale of two brothers grudgingly brought together by their estranged fathers death. Despite two good performances by both McGregor and Hawke, the writing meanders to the point where what starts as an interesting journey discovering evermore interesting aspects of their eccentric father becomes slows to a crawl and de-volves in to a cheapened version of itself-too self satisfied to really develop. What we end up with is something we should have enjoyed more-something of promise that underperforms to the point of boredom. A miss.
  • CinemaSerf - 26 October 2022
    Raymond & Ray
    "Raymond" (Ewan McGregor) arrives at the home of his step-brother "Ray" (Ethan Hawke) to declare that their rather brutish father has died. The former feels duty bound to go to the funeral - if only to see the man is dead - and after a bit of prevaricating, manages to convince his brother to attend too. Upon arrival, they discover that they are to inherit his (very) modest fortune, but the condition is that they must dig his grave, put his coffin into it, then cover it up afterwards. Despite generally despising this man, they go along with it and as the time for the interment approaches they discover that their late dad had quite a skill for making sons. The youngest being fathered with the younger "Lucia" (Maribel Verdú) with whom he ended up living at his demise and another set of rather acrobatic twins show up too. When it is just the two men on screen, there is a degree of intimacy and chemistry that works well - we get a sense of not just how nasty their father was, but of just how impactful his behaviour had been on his children - and on their own less than successful marital relationships. When the cast broadens out more though, the story loses that potency and we end up with a rather muddled series of character studies all centring around the behaviour of a man who isn't actually here for us to evaluate ourselves. There are some lovely jazz numbers - "Ray" bring skilful with the trumpet, and the production is stylish but somehow the whole thing is just a bit lacklustre.