Come Out in Jesus Name

Come Out in Jesus Name

Following a startling chain of events, the most controversial pastor in America, Greg Locke, took a 180-degree turn from his mainstream religious traditions and led his church to the brink of revival. He and a diverse group of unconventional preachers then began to spark the most important awakening in the history of the Christian Church — through the most unlikely means – by casting out demons. This fiery film documents the beginnings of their journey. “Come Out In Jesus Name” will be followed by a live simulcast event where Pastor Locke and his fellow demon slayers will lead a supernatural mass deliverance... in Jesus name.

  • Released: 2023-03-13
  • Runtime: 100 minutes
  • Genre: Documentaries, Drama
  • Stars: Henry Shaffer, Ciara Clark
  • Director:
  • hazaleyesamir - 11 May 2023
    We Need This All Of Us!!!
    As being saved since 99-2000...had an experience of many backsliding and falling from surfaced just before the covid era...since than he delivered me from diabetes and I was encouraged by fasting and prayin that brings me to this very encouraging reminds me back in my beginning stages of being saved...I had a friend who had a I wish I could find him today...I know Though Christ I could deliver him...Come Out In Jesus Name!!!!... Christians everywhere This Is A Must See...I was Fasting when I watched it Las Vegas,Nevada...there was probably only 10 people in the Theater.... I cried.
  • mrsellejordan - 12 April 2023
    Move of God
    Jesus is glorified in the documentary as the kingdom of darkness is exposed and demons are casted out by the Holy Spirit. I highly recommend seeing it. I don't think it's possible to see it and remain the same. There is a line in the sand and either we are with Jesus or against Him. Matthew 12:30 "Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters.

    How can we say we love Jesus and not love what He does? Mark 1:39 " So he traveled throughout Galilee, preaching in their synagogues and driving out demons." So many people were delivered and healed in the movie theater. Hallelujah!! This a wonderful plan from Our Father for his children. It is our bread. Matthew 15:26 " But He answered and said, "It is not good to take the children's bread and throw it to the little dogs."
