
The true story of Mamie Till Mobley’s relentless pursuit of justice for her 14 year old son, Emmett Till, who, in 1955, was lynched while visiting his cousins in Mississippi.

  • Released:
  • Runtime: 120 minutes
  • Genre: Drama
  • Stars: Danielle Deadwyler, Jalyn Hall, Whoopi Goldberg, Frankie Faison, Haley Bennett, Jayme Lawson, Tosin Cole, Kevin Carroll, Sean Patrick Thomas, John Douglas Thompson, Roger Guenveur Smith, Princess Elmore, Josh Ventura, Ed Amatrudo, Gail Everett-Smith, Brendan Patrick Connor, Tim Ware, Keisha Tillis, Kevin Brown, Bradley King, J.P. Edwards, Jackson Beals, Summer Rain Menkee, Reid Jameson Smith, Mike Dolphy, Ralph Hughes, Ed Sturdivant, Rakeem Massingill, Al Mitchell, Lee Spencer, Njema Williams, Sean Michael Weber, Alyssa Talbot, Euseph Messiah, James Sanders III, Thea Clark, Jamie Renell, Friedman Twinkies, Jonathan D. Williams, Jaylin Webb, Eric Whitten, Diallo Thompson, Cora Maple Lindell, David Caprita, Elizabeth Youman, Charles T. Massey, Angela Yale, Phil Biedron, Carol J. Mckenith, Torey Adkins, Maurice Johnson, Noel Sampson, Brandon P. Bell, Oz Keenum, Destin Freeman, Bree Fyffe, Josh Mendez Sr., Marcus Atkins, Darian Rolle, Brennan Schram, Melina Datta, Blaine Huslig, Ryan Austin Bryant, Richard Nash
  • Director: Chinonye Chukwu
  • kosmasp - 7 September 2023
    Untold story ...
    No pun intended - apparently there is a documentary about this case - though the mother would not approve or like anyone calling it a case! And who can blame her or rather could blame her? Things depicted here seem so far away, that it feels like ... a bad side of history, a nightmare! And yet even know, watching people being afraid to speak out (the truth), rings true ... unfortunately.

    We had two women who were just doing their job (counting votes/ballots), being in the line of fire ... being scapegoated, being made villains in a big lie and scheme. It is almost unbearable - and if you saw their testimonies and you did not get touched by it ... you are not human! You are not deserving being called one that is.

    But back to this, which unfortunately is a true story. And shows that teaching history is important! And is not meant to divide, but make us understand why people react a certain way ... and avoid making those same ... let's call them mistakes ... again! It really should go without saying ... but common sense is not in abundance nowadays either ... great performances! The central one not even acknowledged by the Academy by the way ... not the only missed opportunity this year.
  • BudoSenpai - 24 July 2023
    This is a great movie; the entire cast did an excellent job. And as always, I expected the trolls to be on here, and I was right. They'd rather rate a stupid juvenile series like, "Cobra Kai" a 10/10 and say it's awesome. They're so pathetic! It's hard for most of them to be reminded of the evil history and continuous racism in this country. Because of that, this story should be told over and over again.

    President Biden will designate a national monument at three sites in honor of Emmett Till and his mother, Mamie Till-Mobley - both of whom served as catalysts for the civil rights movement. The new monument will be established across three locations in Illinois and Mississippi in an effort to protect places that tell Till's story, as well as reflect the activism of his mother, who was instrumental in keeping the story of Till's murder alive.

    It's about time!
  • hxfyqnkw - 8 May 2023
    Warning Spoiler
    It's 1955 Chicago. Mamie Till-Mobley is a widower trying to protect her son Emmett from everyday racism. She is concerned as Emmett joins relatives in Mississippi for vacation. Sure enough, his interaction with a white woman leads to his lynching.

    I don't want to be insensitive, but this movie is not really doing anything new. There isn't much that I didn't know before. It's interesting that they show the whistle. Mostly, I am concentrating on the performance of Danielle Deadwyler and her lost of the Oscar nomination. I've seen all the nominees at this point. I think I can have her replace Michelle Williams. Deadwyler is mostly doing stoic dignity with a couple of big acting scenes. Williams is doing good work, but she's not the lead in the movie. Both are great performers. Deadwyler has the bigger role.
  • mdyoungpeter-63311 - 3 December 2022
    A headscratching biopic
    I am for one just want to say yeah emmet till was brutally murdered they didn't show anything thought whoopi Goldberg was ok thought she was better in the color purple Danielle deadwyler was great but the thing is it doesn't matter because the problems with this movie outweigh the pros this movie was predictable as hell you knew everything that was going to happen before it happened it was slow but the biggest thing the director actually pulled her punch in this film she showed nothing on the night he was murdered and the thing is it would have been so much more powerful if she had showed something headscracther man!
  • Alexander_Blanchett - 24 November 2022
    Give Danielle Deadwyler the Oscar right away!
    Danielle Deadwyler cannot be ignored this year. What a powerhouse performance that goes right under your skin.

    It is such an important, tragic and sheer unbelievable story that finally found its way to the screen and to a broader audience. Injustice in its purest and a shame to mankind. This was realistically and perfectly brought on screen by director Chinonyne Chukwu who did great things with this film. Really not hiding to show uncomfortable things and pure emotions. The screenplay was excellently drafted and therefor easy to keep the attention of the audience through the whole film.

    Besides Danielle Deadwyler's performance of a lifetime you will spot other fantastic perforamnces. First of all young Jalyn Hall in the role of Emmett Till really was able to capture the pure essence of his character and naturally brought it ons creen. Franie Faison is always great if he gets the right material and I loved Whoopi Goldberg in her brief performance. She did not have much dialogue but everything was working through her experessions. The best performance besides Deadwyler is a very underrated performance that hopefully will not stay that way: John Douglas Thompson. His confrontation wtih Marmie and also his Trial scenes were simply perfect. Nueanced emotions that gave me constant shivers. Hopefully Thompson will be regarded for this great work he did in such a minor but very important role.

    Really an emotional rollercoaster and a must see!
  • nscoby93 - 9 November 2022
    A powerful film with important historical significance
    Before the release of this film I was very concerned as I thought the producers and writers of such a film as this would use it as an excuse to use this story for political reasons. I am very relieved to say that the makers of this film only had intent to tell and show a dark yet significant part of American history.

    I have seen a lot of films in theaters but I have to say Till was one of the roughest films to sit through. Very powerful, gut, and heart wrenching. While even knowing the fate of poor Emmett Till I found myself sitting on the edge of my seat and hoping, wishing the boys grim fate to pass him. But even knowing the history and the outcome did not soften the blow that this film pacts.

    What carries this film are the fantastic performances in particularly the actress Danielle Deadwyler in the role of Mamie Till-Mobley. There's a scene which I won't give away completely where she is on the witness stand and she gives a powerful testimony as well as an absolute phenomenal performance, the delivery of her lines it was all so very convincing. This scene for a moment had me give this film a nine out of ten.

    This was a very powerful film and not for the weak of stomach or heart. I ended up in tears multi times throughout. I can't recommend this film to everyone but this was a very well done historical drama.

    IMDb: 8/10 Letterboxd: 4/5

    Watched in Theaters.